Home / Drain Openers / General Pipe Cleaners 6 ft. L Closet Auger

General Pipe Cleaners 6 ft. L Closet Auger

  • Detail
    The heavy-duty six-foot Teletube Closet Auger (Cat # T6FL) lets you clear stoppages just beyond the bowl. No need to lift the bowl, because the Teletube has an extra three feet 1 m telescoped inside a guide tube until you need it. After you've worked the first three feet into the bowl, you can go three feet farther simply by pressing a button and pulling the crank handle. The outer steel tube is a big 1-1/8" in diameter. The hexagonal guide tube is even tougher than the steel rod we use in our 3FL closet augers. The Teletube weighs just a little more than a 3FL too. Other features include a vinyl bowl guard, vinyl grip handle and turning handle and a "Grip Clip" for securing the cable. General's Flexicore cable with double spring construction is the most durable cable in the industry, but should it ever need to replaced it's easy to do so. Just slide the replacement snake into the hexagonal tube until the spring pin snaps securely in place. (Use Cat # RS-T6FL or RS-T6FL-DH).
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